Community- and algorithm-based, aesthetic content + regular output = organic growth
This is not rocket science.
It is a social and technical game: Your regular content is the foundation of your voice in the digital realm. Organic growth is the result of an engaging community which tells the algorithm to support you with placements on other users’ feeds.
Case Study:
Visualizing Freelance Partner and its Services
Meeting the CEO Milan Uhe was a fantastic experience. His polite and approachable attitude allowed us to bond through shared visions of marketing his company and thus, start the content creation process at a memorable speed.
Through a mix of photography and graphical design, we published strong visual messages to position Milan, as well as the company, as a trusted qualitative service provider.
Raising the Digital Voice
Giving space and more of a voice to employees and team-members was part of the mission. After interviewing the consultants, I filtered a common theme to use as a concept and then isolated a sentence or two to put in quotation marks.
Pairing the interview-quotes with portraits I captured not only further introduced the team to its LinkedIn, but also highlighted aspects of the company as a whole.
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